CC and Government
Why does CC matter in government?
See how CC helps improve transparency, efficiency, and innovation.
Basics of CC
These videos explain the gist of what CC is and how the licenses work. Share one with a friend, or remix them to tell your own story.
Why CC in Government / CC Paraguay / CC BY-SA 4.0
A video outlining the benefits of use of CC licenses for government.
Building on the past / Justin Cone / CC BY-SA 3.0
A video mashup of public domain images, explaining how CC works.
Wanna work together? / CC BY 3.0
A video explaining Creative Common in the context of sharing creativity.
Case Studies
Basics of CC
Need something to hand out at a conference or when meeting with people? These printable guides are ready to be shared as-is, or remixed to better suit your needs.
The benefits of openness / CC Poland / CC BY 4.0
A guide to openness for GLAM institutions, holders of heritage collections and archives.
For presenting on CC
Starting points for conversations and talks around CC and government, the way licenses support open infrastructure.
"4.0 and Public Sector Information (PSI)" / Timothy Vollmer / CC BY 3.0
Overview of the 4.0 licenses and implications for use with PSI.
"4.0 and Public Sector Information (PSI)" / Timothy Vollmer / CC BY 3.0
CC's role in improving civic participation, transparency, and efficiency in government.
Using Multiple Means of Open to Solve Global Food Safety / Paul Stacey / CC BY 4.0
CC licenses as a piece of open infrastructure, inviting participation and looking at new models for tackling global issues.