CC and Science

Why is CC important in Science?
See how CC licenses go beyond access and help us advance our understanding of the world.


Science and CC

These videos introduce the importance of CC licenses in Science. Share one with a friend, or remix them to tell your own story.

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Open Access Explained! / CC BY 3.0

A clip explaining the need and utility of reuse rights for scientific research outputs, made easy to express with CC licenses.

Building on the past / Justin Cone / CC BY-SA 3.0

A video mashup of public domain images, explaining how CC works.

Wanna work together? / CC BY 3.0

A video explaining Creative Common in the context of sharing creativity.

Case Studies

CC in action, a part of how science moves forward.

Innovations in science and research, shared broadly through CC.

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The worlds largest open access publisher, freeing all articles with CC licenses.

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European Space Agency

Images and video from the Mars Express mission shared with CC licenses.

"Sulci Gordii topography" by European Space Agency / CC BY-SA
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Sensored City

Using sensors and open data to drive an art installation representing air quality and health risks.

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A repository for sharing scientific data supporting research at publication time, dedicated to the public domain via CC0.

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CERN Large Hadron Collider Data

A global partical physics experiment helping us understand our universe, while sharing research data with CC0.

"Large Bokeh Collider" by Stefan Kemp / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


Basics of CC

Need something to hand out at a conference or when meeting with people? These printable guides are ready to be shared as-is, or remixed to better suit your needs.

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Six licenses for your work / CC0

A simple, quick introduction to Creative Commons licenses. Available either as a single page or as a folded brochure.

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Guide to public domain tools / CC0

A short pamphlet that explains how public domain tools work.

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How Open Is it? / CC BY 3.0

A guide for assessing the openness of research publications, highlighting user rights and CC licenses.


For presenting on CC

Starting points for conversations and talks around Creative Commons, the way we work and the things we do.

Creative Commons and producing your own media / Billy Meinke / CC BY 3.0

Introduction to Creative Commons and use of the licenses in media production.

Creative Commons and the culture of openness / Timothy Vollmer / CC BY 3.0

Description of Creative Commons and discussion of how cultural openness help overcome barriers.